Frequently Asked Questions

After you paid for Johnson Solutionz Automations there is a button on the confirmation page that you must click to fill out the account creation form, credentials will be delivered to you upon completion via text and email.

We have education on how to use and operate Johnson Solutionz Automations on our “How To” page We also have a Facebook group where you can ask question amongst the community.

Please use the *forgot password* option at the login screen to reset your password, please check junk/spam if you do not see the email.

It typically takes 2 weeks or sooner for the projects to be completed.

Johnson Solutionz Automations is a monthly subscription, there is also an option to pay annually.

One funnel per Complete Automation Package. All services are one time set up fees per project.

You can access the videos on the main website at

We offer same as cash financing in terms of 6,12 & 18 months. Same as cash meaning as long as you pay your full balance by the end of your term and at minimum the minimum payments each month, you will not accrue any interest. If you go beyond your term without paying in full, it will convert to a flex rate installment loan.

This is to have your card on your account, which is different from us having your card on file. This is to cover your texting and phone numbers. Each member must have a card on their account to remain active.

Text are 0.0075 cent/text, phone numbers are 1$/month for normal numbers & $3/month for 1800 numbers (Business numbers). You can have as many numbers as you like!

Monday – Friday 10am – 6pm.

No, you can cancel at any time, no contracts.

We are currently all virtual but we plan on doing more events come 2022, we occasionally participate at events and pop up shops.

Yes, everyone and anyone can become an affiliate, here is the site to register https://

To cancel your account please text “terminate” to *phone number*.

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Mobile: CALL US AT (657) 666-0007

Your #1 provider of attraction marketing, lead generation, and training at this value point.


455 Wallstreet St., New York, VA 12364

United States of America

Mobile: 826 696 8370

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